In this Town
I had a friend who lived across the street from the Collingswood Speedline. Read the lyrics & they will tell you all about this song.
I’m So Sorry
This song is about being truthful when a relationship has finished its journey. This is beautiful song.
Pardon Me
I wrote this song about how people that have money seem to diminish those that don’t.
Very Good Lyrics.
Baby Please Come Back
I had a lady friend at a point in my life who I really liked. A real relationship never evolved. What did evolve for several years was that she would stop by unannounced after a Happy Hour or whenever she felt like it for a Friends with Benefits encounter. This started to become an issue with me. As I resisted her she decided to come on strong pushing for a relationship. It never happened & I have not seen see her since. Read the Lyrics for the full story.
From My Window
I lived in Merchantville in the 70’s. I had a 2nd floor apartment, I practiced in the living room overlooking the street. On the other side of the street was a house converted into apartments. I used to see this young women coming & going on a regular basis. I thought she was cute & I always wondered what it would be like to meet her. I never did. This version of the song is an instrumental. I plan on recording a version of this song with vocals in the near future.
Hot Summer Days
The words are portrayed as a Breakup Song reflecting what happened to Summer Romance that did not make to the Wintertime.
The Restless Kind
This is a song about me. If you want to get a glimpse of who I am – Check out the Lyrics.
Out Of Control
When I wrote this song in 1986, there were things going on in my life that made me feel that I was Out Of Control. What I have come years later to realize that we are never in control. So I say Let Go, Surrender, Relax & Enjoy the Ride.”
September Song
I found the Music Chart to this song which I wrote in 1980. I also found a Reel to Reel Recording of the Song. As I listened I thought why didn’t I ever record this song? As I thought it was quite good. The original song title was “My Only One”. To make a long story short I decided to make it an Instrumental. I was recording the song in September, so it became “September Song”.
This song was written in response to people who at the time were critical of whatever I was doing & my reaction to those people.
On The Run
I wrote this song in 1985, I was taking shortcuts in some areas of my life where my rationalization was that the ends justified the means. The lyrics actually project a broader meaning upon a closer review.