I do believe the day has come 1st Verse
When I must go oh yeah
I was born to believe the pressure is off
The secret’s out at last I know I gotta go
Go with the flow Chorus
Static superstition held back my ambition Pre Chorus
For far too long I got what I deserved now I gotta go
Go with the flow Chorus
Oh my my 2nd Verse
The time is right to play my cards an’ so I gotta go
Go with the flow Chorus
Seamless intuition put me in position Pre Chorus
Watch me move it won’t take long
‘Cause now I know I gotta go
Go with the flow Chorus
Ooh I gotta go
Go with the flow yeah yeah yeah
All down the line 3rd Verse
I’ve made up my mind just to flow
No matter which way the winds blow
‘Cause I was born to conceive the pressure is off
The secrets out I finally know
Copyright Daniel W Dailey 2004