I can smell the chimney smoke 1st Verse
‘N watch the snow feel the wind blow
Rusty red and crimson colored falling leaves
Fill the drain sleeves
I can gather thistled reeds an’ sticker briar
Feel the warm fire
Days of autumn Chorus
The land is having a rest
Days of autumn
These days are some of the best
I can see the crisping air 2nd Verse
Steam up the glass as my lips pass
Leather coat & gloves to tote
The air is cold & I’m not bold
Days of autumn Chorus
The land is having a rest
Days of autumn
These days are some of the best
I can smell the chimney smoke 3rd Verse
‘N watch the snow feel the wind blow
I can see the harvest moon
And taste the food love the good mood
Days of autumn Chorus
The ground is taking a rest
Days of autumn
These days I love the best
Copyright Daniel W Dailey 2004